A little bit of this

In, reading
Tabi Mudaliar Tabi Mudaliar

In, reading

I’ve read seven books since my sabbatical from out there began. Five of them are works by black authors. Not deliberate choices at the time, but looking back, I think I was tuned into the prevailing mood more than I realised. In my life Black lives have always mattered but in recent years the movement has re-ignited a desire in Publishers to publish more black voices and I in turn am delighted to read them. As a rule, I’ll read anything which intrigues me and kindles an interest, whichever diaspora the authors hail from. Fiction or non-fiction, I’ll read anything at all.

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All the time
Tabi Mudaliar Tabi Mudaliar

All the time

As February moved into March, I experienced a creeping mix of emotions. Impending doom, undiluted fear, the spark of possibility, a sigh of relief. The prospect of months at home in my virus free cocoon caused no alarm and prophesied no disruption to my immediate needs. Three months at home? I was ready for some peace and quiet, wanted a taste of the good life, more Barbara Good than Margo Leadbetter. I was all set for my sabbatical from out there.

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On the radio
Tabi Mudaliar Tabi Mudaliar

On the radio

TotallyTabi is my weekly magazine show, live on air every Friday from noon until 3pm on Alive 107.3fm. It’s best enjoyed with coffee and cake. Turn up the volume too, sing along, and dance like no-one’s watching, even they are.

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